Child Custody Total Representation from Beginning to End

Child Custody Attorney in Sarasota

Protecting the Best Interests of Children in Sarasota County ​

At Boeller Law, P.A., our Venice child custody attorneys have helped many families through divorce. When drafting time-sharing agreements, Attorney Sara Sawyer Boeller relies on her counseling, mental health education, and experience as a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator. Our firm always considers our client's wishes and preferences when representing them in court. We believe our clients are the captains of their ships, and we are here to steer them in the right direction and guide them through the often difficult aspects of child custody.

Our child custody attorneys provide you with:

Types of Child Custody in Florida

Family law cases often become highly emotional and challenging when deciding who will have child custody when filing for divorce. In the state of Florida, a court can grant two kinds of child custody:

  1. When sole custody is granted, the court makes one parent responsible for the child's welfare and is authorized to make decisions about the child's daily life.
  2. When joint custody is awarded, the court grants both parents legal and physical custody so that the child can spend significant amounts of time with both parents.

Courts often grant parents shared custody to allow parents and children to spend quality time together and continue building strong relationships. A time-sharing agreement is made to avoid conflicts and ensure that the child spends time with both parents.

Contact Boeller Law, P.A. today at (941) 315-8598 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with our child custody lawyer in Sarasota!

Legal Custody vs. Physical Custody

Legal custody is the right to decide your child's welfare and upbringing. This can include decisions about religion, education, healthcare, and more. Physical custody refers to which parent the child lives with. This means that if you have sole physical custody, your child lives with you and their other parent only has visitation rights.

Custody agreements can include any combination of joint or sole physical and legal custody. In Florida, courts often prefer granting joint custody so that the child can be raised by both parents, as long as that is in the child's best interest.

Factors Courts Consider in Custody Decisions

During a custody hearing, a judge will determine custody based on the child's best interest. Courts may consider any relevant factors when making this determination, though they will give more consideration to issues that impact your child’s health and safety. Some such issues include:

  • Which parent is more likely to take care of the daily emotional and physical needs of the child
  • Which parent is more likely to maintain a stable and nurturing relationship with the child
  • Which parent is more likely to help foster the relationship between the child and their other parent

You must seek counsel from an experienced child custody attorney who can help protect your relationship with your child.

Creating an Effective Co-Parenting Plan

When going through a child custody battle, it's important to remember that the ultimate goal is to protect the best interests of the child. One way to ensure that both parents are involved in the child's life and to minimize conflict is to create a co-parenting plan. Our Venice child custody attorney can help you and your ex-spouse come up with a plan that works for everyone involved.

A co-parenting plan can include:

  • Regular visitation schedules
  • Communication guidelines
  • Decision-making responsibilities
  • Guidelines for introducing new partners
  • Guidelines for attending events and activities

Having a co-parenting plan in place can help both parents feel more in control and can provide the child with a sense of stability and consistency. Contact our Sarasota child custody lawyer today to discuss how we can help you create a co-parenting plan that works for your family.

Developing a Parenting Plan That Prioritizes Your Children

When it comes to child custody, it's important to develop a parenting plan that prioritizes the best interests of your children while also addressing your unique family dynamics. At Boeller Law, P.A., our experienced child custody attorney in Sarasota understands the complexities of these cases and can help you navigate the legal process.

Our goal is to assist you in creating a parenting plan that is both comprehensive and flexible, taking into account factors such as:

  • The children's age and developmental needs
  • The parents' work schedules and availability
  • The children's school and extracurricular activities
  • The parents' ability to communicate and cooperate
  • The children's relationships with extended family members

By working closely with our child custody lawyer, you can ensure that your parenting plan addresses all necessary aspects, including:

  • Visitation schedules and holiday arrangements
  • Decision-making authority for important matters
  • Methods of communication between parents
  • Transportation and travel arrangements
  • Parental relocation considerations

At Boeller Law, P.A., we believe that every family is unique, and we are committed to finding personalized solutions that work for you and your children. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let us guide you through the child custody process with compassion and understanding.

Get in Touch with Our Child Custody Lawyer

Our Venice child custody lawyers strive to help our clients understand all aspects of co-parenting and prepare them for the adjustment that will affect all parties, especially children. As tricky as filing for divorce and settling child custody issues can be, we are here to make things easier and less overwhelming.

For the legal experience and compassionate counsel you need in Sarasota, Venice, or Bradenton, contact the child custody lawyers at Boeller Law, P.A. today.

Contact Boeller Law, P.A. today to schedule a consultation with our Sarasota child custody lawyer!

In a Crowded Field, Boeller Law, P.A. Stands Out

What Makes Us Different
  • Exceptional Track Record of Success
  • Personalized & Highly Effective Legal Solutions
  • Extensively Experienced Legal Team
  • Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator
We're Here to Listen and to Guide You Let Us Handle Your Case Today (941) 315-8598